The Renault GPS Update service gives customers the ability to download the most recent navigation software plus maps to improve their in-car experiences.
Updates: Your navigation system can receive regular updates from the Renault GPS Update service, which include new maps, areas of interest, and additional pertinent data. a number of factors, including the type and area of your car, updates might be offered for freely or require an account.
Subscription: Your bear the cost of any subscriptions which are necessary for updates. Renault retains the authority to alter or terminate subscription-based services, and conditions and prices are open to alteration.
You agree to the gathering, utilization, and dissemination of your data as outlined in our statement of privacy by using my Renault GPS Update service. They value the confidentiality of your data and treat your personal data using the utmost respect and consideration.
It's your duty to confirm whether your GPS navigation system satisfies the necessary standards as well as whether you're Renault car is compatible with the GPS Update services.
Therefore have charge of all activity connected to that account, so you have to keep your login information private.
Renault with its licensees own every resource, includes software, maps, plus additional content made available by the Renault GPS Update services. With private, private use merely, you receive a restricted non-exclusive, and not transferable licence for employing these items.
We offer the Renault GPS Update service "just as exists," with no promises or assurances of any kind concerning its accessibility, precision, or dependability.
If you use the service, Renault cannot be held liable for any loss or damage to data or car systems. This is your responsibility to backup all of your files and to look across security details in the handbook that came with your car.
If you break any of these conditions of use, then retain the option, at our sole discretion as well as with or before advance notification, to suspend or cancel your membership to the Renault GPS Update services.
Renault has the authority, at all times, to alter as well as change these terms and conditions. By using this service going forward, that you agree with the updated conditions.
Please get in touch with our customer support representatives if you happen to have problems or questions regarding the Renault GPS Update service including these conditions of use.
We appreciate you selecting Renault for your GPS update require. Our aim is to improve your driving experience and make sure you constantly have access to the finest and most recent navigation data. Drive through assurance and keep in touch through Renault.